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с английского на арабский

a face-cloth

  • 1 cloth

    [klɔθ] plural cloths [klɔθs] (American) [klɔːðz] noun
    (a piece of) woven material from which clothes and many other items are made:

    Woollen cloth is often more expensive than other cloths.

    قِماش، غِطاءالمائِدَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > cloth

  • 2 أمتعة

    أَمْتِعَة \ baggage: a traveller’s bags and cases. belongings: small possessions: I keep my belongings in my own room.. luggage: a traveller’s bags, boxes, etc.. things: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English dictionary > أمتعة

  • 3 حاجات

    حَاجَات \ needs: sth. which one must have (for one’s comfort, for a particular purpose): My needs are few: a home, a family, food, work. These tools should suit your needs. want: a need: Please attend to his wants. thing: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English dictionary > حاجات

  • 4 baggage

    أَمْتِعَة \ baggage: a traveller’s bags and cases. belongings: small possessions: I keep my belongings in my own room.. luggage: a traveller’s bags, boxes, etc.. things: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > baggage

  • 5 belongings

    أَمْتِعَة \ baggage: a traveller’s bags and cases. belongings: small possessions: I keep my belongings in my own room.. luggage: a traveller’s bags, boxes, etc.. things: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > belongings

  • 6 luggage

    أَمْتِعَة \ baggage: a traveller’s bags and cases. belongings: small possessions: I keep my belongings in my own room.. luggage: a traveller’s bags, boxes, etc.. things: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > luggage

  • 7 things

    أَمْتِعَة \ baggage: a traveller’s bags and cases. belongings: small possessions: I keep my belongings in my own room.. luggage: a traveller’s bags, boxes, etc.. things: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > things

  • 8 needs

    حَاجَات \ needs: sth. which one must have (for one’s comfort, for a particular purpose): My needs are few: a home, a family, food, work. These tools should suit your needs. want: a need: Please attend to his wants. thing: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > needs

  • 9 thing

    حَاجَات \ needs: sth. which one must have (for one’s comfort, for a particular purpose): My needs are few: a home, a family, food, work. These tools should suit your needs. want: a need: Please attend to his wants. thing: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > thing

  • 10 want

    حَاجَات \ needs: sth. which one must have (for one’s comfort, for a particular purpose): My needs are few: a home, a family, food, work. These tools should suit your needs. want: a need: Please attend to his wants. thing: (pl.) one’s personal clothing or equipment or possessions: my football things (boots, shorts, etc.); my washing things (toothbrush, face cloth, etc.).

    Arabic-English glossary > want

  • 11 قطعة

    قِطْعَة \ fragment: a small part that has been broken off. lump: a small mass with no regular shape: a lump of earth; a lump of butter. piece: a bit; a small part: a piece of paper; a piece of that cake; a glass broken to pieces. segment: a piece of sth. (often natural): The inside of an orange is divided into a number of segments. \ قِطْعَة (صَابُون)‏ \ tablet: (of soap for washing one’s body) a piece. \ See Also لوح (لَوْح)‏ \ قِطْعَة \ a lump of sugar: a neat little block of sugar for putting in tea or coffee. \ See Also مُكَعَّب سُكّر \ قِطْعَة \ piece: a particular example of sth.: a piece of music (or advice or furniture). \ See Also شَيءٌ مِنْ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض \ property: a piece of land, with any building on it: We’ve bought a small property by the sea. \ See Also عقار (عَقَار)‏ \ قِطْعَة أَرْض صغيرة \ plot: a small piece of land, suitable for a building or garden. \ قِطْعَة إضَافِيّة \ accessory: a useful thing or part which is added to sth. else: A bell is a usual accessory for a bicycle. \ قِطْعَة حَلْوَى \ sweet: a piece of sugary food (such as Chocolate or Peppermint). \ قِطْعَة صَغيرة \ bit: a small piece of anything: a bit of paper. section: a part or division (of a group, a machine, an aeroplane, etc.): The examination paper was in three sections, with five questions in each of them. The front section of the train goes to Edinburgh, the rest is taken off at Birmingham. shred: a thin bit (of cloth, paper, etc.) that has been torn off sth.: He tore the letter into shreds. \ قِطْعَة ضَخْمَة \ block: a large piece of sth. solid (wood, stone, metal, etc.). \ قِطْعَة طويلة ضيّقة (من الوَرق، القماش، الأرض، إلخ)‏ \ strip: a long narrow piece: a strip of cloth; a strip of land. \ قِطْعَة عازلة للحرارة (توضع تحت الطبق الساخن)‏ \ mat: a small piece of material, put under hot dishes to save a table, etc. from damage. \ قِطْعَة غَليظَة \ chunk: thick piece cut or broken off sth. (meat, metal, etc.): a chunk of rock. \ See Also ضَخْمَة \ قِطْعَة غِيَار \ part: a necessary piece of a machine: He went to get a spare part for his car. spare: a spare part of a machine. \ قِطْعَة فَنّيّة \ work of art: sth. perfectly made, esp. in one of the fine arts. \ قِطْعَة قماش \ cloth, (cloths): a piece of cloth for a special purpose: a tablecloth; a cloth for cleaning one’s shoes. \ قِطْعَة قماش لطِلاء الوَجه بالمَسَاحِيق \ powder puff: a piece of soft material with which a woman powders her face. \ قِطْعَة كبيرة \ hunk: a thick piece of sth. (bread, meat, cheese, etc.). \ قِطْعَة لَحْم بِعَظْمِها \ joint: a bone with the meat on it, ready for cooking. \ قِطْعَة مختارة \ passage: a particular part of a piece of writing: She read me an exciting passage from her new book. \ قِطْعَة مُعْشِبَة من الأَرْض \ sod: a cut piece of earth with grass growing from it. \ قِطْعَة من السُّكَّر على طَرف عُود \ lollipop: a sweet fastened to a small stick. \ قِطْعَة مَنْحُوتة \ sculpture: an example of sculpture (see فنّ النحت): The winged Victory is a famous Greek sculpture. \ قِطْعَة مُوسِيقِيَّة \ composition: a piece of writing or music: Your English composition was well written. \ قِطْعَة نَقْد معدنيّة \ coin: a piece of money made of metal. \ قِطْعَة نُقُود \ piece: a coin: a 50 pence piece.

    Arabic-English dictionary > قطعة

  • 12 مسح

    مَسَحَ \ rub out, erase: to remove (writing) with a rubber or cloth: Rub out that word on the blackboard. survey: to measure land, for plans or maps. wipe: to clean or dry (sth.) by rubbing it with a cloth: She wiped the table clean. Please wipe the dirt off that window. \ مَسَحَ \ dab: to touch or put on lightly: She dabbed her face with powder. \ See Also لَمَسَ بلُطْف

    Arabic-English dictionary > مسح

  • 13 نظف

    نَظَّفَ \ bathe: to wash (a wound, etc.). clean: to make sth. free from dirt: Clean your shoes.. clear: to make clear; free from anything that gets in the way: Please clear the table. \ نَظَّفَ \ sponge: to wash with a wet sponge. \ See Also غَسَلَ بالإسفنج \ نَظَّفَ \ brush: to clean or smooth with a brush: Brush your hair. \ See Also مَلَّسَ بالفرشاة \ نَظَّفَ (بالمَسْح)‏ \ wipe: to clean or dry (sth.) by rubbing it with a cloth: She wiped the table clean. Please wipe the dirt off that window. \ See Also نشف (نَشَّفَ)‏ \ نَظَّفَ بالدَّعك أو الفَرْك \ scrub: to rub hard with a wet brush; clean by rubbing with soap and water: She scrubbed the floor. \ نَظَّفَ بدَفْق الماء \ flush: to wash with a quick rush of water: The pipes seem to be blocked; try flushing them. \ نَظَّفَ بالغَسْل \ wash: to clean with water and often soap: Wash your face. Wash the dirt off it. \ نَظَّفَ بكرّاكة \ dredge: to keep (a harbour or waterway) deep enough for boats, by taking up mud and sand. \ نَظَّفَ بالكَنْس \ sweep: to clear or clean (the floor, a path, a chimney, etc.) with a brush; to remove or gather (dust, dead leaves, etc.) with a brush: Have you swept the stairs? Please sweep the snow off the path. \ See Also كنس (كَنَسَ)‏ \ نَظَّفَ بالمِمْسحة \ mop: to clean with a mop or a rough piece of cloth. \ See Also مسح (مَسَحَ)‏ \ نَظَّفَ على البُخار \ dry-clean: to clean (clothes) with chemicals, not with water. \ نَظَّفَ ما بداخل الشيء \ clean out: to clean the inside of sth. thoroughly: Clean out those cooking pots. \ نَظَّفَ ورَتَّبَ \ clean up: to make things clean; put things in order: Clean up in here before you leave. \ نَظَّفَ وصَقَلَ \ scour: to clean thoroughly: to scour pots. \ نَظْم \ verse: poetry. \ See Also شعر (شِعْر)‏ \ نَظْم \ regulation. \ See Also تنظيم( تنظيم)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > نظف

  • 14 لون

    لَوْن \ colour: the quality which makes sth. appear red, blue, green etc.; material used to give colour (in painting, etc.): an artist’s colours, brightness; interest This newspaper article lacks colour; it is dull, racial appearance Men of all colours meet in the United Nations. hue: colour; shades of colour: The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. \ لَوْن \ khaki: (cloth of) a light yellowish brown colour. \ See Also قُماش الكاكي \ اللَّوْن الأُرْجُوانِيّ \ purple: the colour that is formed by mixing red and blue. \ لَوْن البَشَرة \ complexion: the colour of the face and state of the skin: a rosy complexion; a spotty complexion. \ لَوْن بُنّي \ brown: the colour of strong coffee, and of many kinds of soil. \ لَوْن خفِيف \ hue: colour; shades of colour: The diamond shone with every hue under the sun. pale: (of colours) weak; not dark; (of a face) white with fear or illness; (of skin) not made brown by the sun: pale blue; pale arms. tinge: a slight sign or amount: a tinge of colour; a tinge of sadness in her voice. tint: a shade of a colour: Sunglasses have a dark tint. \ لَوْن الزَّعْفَران \ saffron: an orange-yellow colour. \ اللَّوْن القِرمِزِيّ \ crimson: (of a) deep red colour. \ لَوْن مائي (ج. أَلْوان مائِيَّة)‏ \ water colour: (a) paint that is mixed with water, for colouring pictures. \ لَوْن من ألوان الطعام (طَبَق)‏ \ dish: a piece of food or part of a meal ready to be served from a dish: a choice of several dishes; a fish dish. \ لَوْن من الطّعام \ course: part of a meal: We had a fourcourse dinner of fish, meat, fruit and cheese.

    Arabic-English dictionary > لون

  • 15 تجعد

    curling, frizzing, frizzling, crispation, crispiness, curliness, crimpiness (of the hair); wrinkle, wrinkling, furrowing, shriveling (of the skin or face); creasing, crease, pucker(ing), crinkling, crinkle, crumpling, crumple, rumpling, rumple, corrugation, cockling, cockle; crimpling, rippling, ripple (of cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > تجعد

  • 16 تجعد

    to curl, frizz, frizzle, form curls (hair); to become curled, curly, frizzed, frizzly, kinky, wavy, crisp(ate), rippled (hair); to wrinkle, furrow, shrivel, become wrinkled (skin or face); to crease, crinkle, crumple, pucker, rumple, corrugate, cockle, crimple, ripple, become creased (cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > تجعد

  • 17 تجعيد

    curling, frizzing, frizzling, crimp(ing), crispation, waving (of the hair); wrinkling, furrowing, shriveling (of the skin or face); creasing, pleating, puckering, crinkling, corrugation, crimpling, crumpling, rumpling, rippling, cockling (of cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > تجعيد

  • 18 جعد

    to curl, frizz, frizzle, crimp, crisp, wave (the hair); to wrinkle, furrow, shrivel (the skin or face); to crease, pleat, plait, pucker, crinkle, corrugate, crimple, crumple, rumple, ripple, cockle (cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > جعد

  • 19 جعدة

    curl, frizzle, lock, ringlet (of hair); wrinkle, furrow, line (on the face or skin); crease, crinkle, crumple, rumple, pucker, corrugation, fold, ripple (on cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > جعدة

  • 20 مجعد

    مُجَعّد: جَعْد، مُتَجَعّد، مُتَغَضّن
    curly, curled, frizzly, frizzled, frizzed, crisp(ed), crispate(d), crispy, crimped, waved, crimpy, wavy, rippled, ripply, kinky (hair); wrinkled, wrinkly, furrowed, shriveled (skin or face); creased, puckered, crinkled, corrugated, crimpled, crumpled, rumpled, rippled, cockled (cloth, etc.)

    Arabic-English new dictionary > مجعد

См. также в других словарях:

  • Face cloth — Face Face (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • face|cloth — «FAYS KLTH, KLOTH», noun. a cloth to wash the face with: »She found me a clean towel and facecloth and took the candles and tablecloth away (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • face cloth — /ˈfeɪs klɒθ/ (say fays kloth) noun 1. → face washer. 2. a cloth used to cover the face of a dead person …  

  • face cloth — noun A small cloth used to wash ones face. Syn: flannel, washcloth, washrag …   Wiktionary

  • face cloth — noun bath linen consisting of a piece of cloth used to wash the face and body • Syn: ↑washcloth, ↑washrag, ↑flannel • Hypernyms: ↑bath linen …   Useful english dictionary

  • face cloth — see facecloth …   English dictionary

  • face·cloth — /ˈfeısˌklɑːθ/ noun, pl cloths [count] : ↑washcloth …   Useful english dictionary

  • Face — (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Face ague — Face Face (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Face card — Face Face (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Face guard — Face Face (f[=a]s), n. [F., from L. facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see {Fact}); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to E. fancy. Cf. {Facetious}.] 1. The exterior form or appearance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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